Filling My Bucket…

Hello Lovelies, I have been a bit quiet recently and wanted to let you know what’s been going on…
So I’m going through a period of transition. Life served up another crappile recently, we had our third miscarriage, and I guess it just makes you reevaluate life and the big stuff. I’ve been interested in health and nutrition for many years now. I loved my 3 years studying naturopathic nutrition and threw myself into it body and soul. Was fascinated with anything to do with personal development, NLP,
EFT, visualisations …. you name it I’ve tried it. I’ve found these wonderfully helpful tools in my own life and used them with great success with many clients. I feel lucky to have them in my toolbox and still use them regularly.
As with many of us life can change a lot over a few years. The way I feel and live my life now is so different.
Priorities change.
Viewpoints change.
The way I want to work with my clients has changed.
Now I’m not entirely sure what this looks like but I just know it will probably involve more wine/sofatime/chocolate/cuddles than any of my coaching programs before! I really feel we need to look after ourselves not just through healthy eating and exercise but by allowing ourselves to drop out every now and again.
We seriously need some down time. We need to refill our buckets, refuel the tank.
Society is caught up in this crazy notion that the busier we are the more successful/important we are.
I do not buy into it.
I believe it’s making us sick and sad.
I want to help people get off that crazy treadmill and enjoy their lives the best they can. I still feel strongly about eating well and moving our bodies but it has to be in a way that works for us, so it’s a pleasure not a chore, so it fills us up, not depletes us.
We need more love in our lives… for Ourselves AND Others ❤️
What do you lovely lot think?
So there we have it. I’m taking some time to slow down, hibernate into Winter and really enjoy time with my family. I want to spend time being more creative and I have a couple of projects that I’m looking forward to getting stuck into.
If any of you feel like you’d like a supportive hand finding ways to make yourself feel good and nurture yourself through good food then please do get in touch. I am always happy to have new clients. X
So in the spirit of sharing what are your favourite ways to “fill your bucket” so to speak?

Sarra Moore
40 something wine loving Mama with a passion for delicious healthy grub and helping others shine.